Monday, December 16, 2013

Holistic Fitness with Jane and Ilchi Lee

If you are looking to get fit in the healthiest and most holistic way possible, the CGI Holistic Fitness Centre in Closter will help you do just that. This is a massive fitness centre that features state of the art facilities and special equipment that will take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health.

This fitness complex is located within 30,000 sq. ft. in Homans Avenue in Closter and it is as different from any fitness and spa centre that you can imagine. It is not just a place that will take care of your special needs but will also see to your spirit, mind, body, and nutrition. You can take care of all of these in just one roof.

This centre has over 60 staff members to watch out for your every need and they specialize in everything from Tao Meditation to Brain education as well as personal training along with some massage therapy.

This centre has been open for the past 15 years and has put countless minds and bodies in shape. They use a broad range of tactics and services to condition the body and mind. It is not a surprise to be advised to take brain education and partner it with gym conditioning.

This centre opened its doors back in 1998 and was the brainchild of Ilchi Lee and his wife Jane. As you know, Ilchi Lee is the founder of Brain Education. That type of education is now one of the foundations of the curriculum they use at CGI.

Michelle Woon, the general manager at CGI says that the concept of the fitness centre came from Lee himself and he wanted to mix Eastern and Western health and wellness practices to come up with a new and most effective type of fitness centre where people can go to recuperate and get fit. Michelle Woon acknowledges that many new clubs are using the fitness methods that they are using but one difference is that while the new clubs are new at the techniques CGI has been at it for 15 years.

Brain Education, Developed by Ilchi Lee, is at the cornerstone of the programs at CGI and it’s a 5-step program where participants can learn how to make full use of the brain’s potential by way of physical activities that includes games as well as team building activities.

They say it is an experiential program where participants get the chance to see the patterns of their thoughts and beliefs. This way, they can see both the good and bad and find ways to use the good to change the bad. It is not at all boring and uses really entertaining ways to enhance the power of the brain and equips participants with tools they can use to improve their lives. Suffice it to say, Ilchi Lee Brain Education is an empowerment tool that can help improve lives.

According to Ilchi and Jane Lee, the CGI centre is one of the best places to regain your centre and get healthy.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ilchi Lee Prayer of Peace for Peace-seekers

Have you ever felt like the world is so divided and that division of the cause of all disagreements and strife in the world? If that is the case, you are not alone and certainly other people feel like the world will be a better and safer place if people were just to look deep into them and find that there is no reason to be so divided and angry.

There are so many things that divide the people of this world yet all they really need to do is take a little pause, look at one another and realize that despite the differences in appearances, geographical location, and beliefs they are all people and they are citizens of the world. It may be hard to get rid of such biases and distrust among people but one man has taken it upon himself to help people wake up from their stupor and strive for a higher state of being where they can all love themselves and each other as a result.

This man is Ilchi Lee and he has a lot to say about the subject of peace that you are sure to like.

Who is Ilchi Lee?

Ilchi Lee hails from South Korea and is a very well-known author, philosopher, and creator of Dahn Yoga. He is a man that believes that in each person lies a power and all that a person needs to do to harness such a power is to learn how to use his brain. It is all in the brain and the energies of the body and the sooner people realize that, the more power they will gain over themselves and the sooner they can influence other people to live in a higher state.

He is also a great advocate of peace and he believes that for peace to reign on earth, people need to get past labels so they can go over things that divide. Why, he even believes that for all the good that it claims to do religion is one of those things that divide the people the most. There is nothing wrong with religion of course but once your religion makes you see people who do not share your point of view as people that need to be condemned and even avoided the religion fails to work. This is the whole reason he came up with the prayer for peace.

This Ilchi Lee prayer for peace is one that is designed with no religion in mind but instead prays for everyone. It talks of everyone and speaks of no one which is why so many people are starting to believe in it. Below is an excerpt of the prayer of peace for your perusal and consideration.

I offer this prayer of peace
Not to any one god nor to many gods
Not to the Christian god
Nor to the Jewish god
Nor the Buddhist god
Nor the Islamic god
And not even to the indigenous gods of many nations
But to the divinity within that we all hold inside
That makes us all brothers and sisters
To make us truly a One Family
In the name of humanity.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Have Peace in Mind and in Heart with Ilchi Lee Prayer of Peace

Prayer is best known as the most important tool to remedy problems that have uncertain solutions. It is a tool to appease troubled minds and hearts. In this sense, Ilchi Lee Prayer of Peace is important so as to achieve this goal – to have peace in mind and in heart.

Ilchi Lee is a renowned Writer-Philosopher who was born in South Korea. His concentration in all of his masterpieces is towards the achievement of progress and growth by using the power of the mind (brain). And one of the important aspects he has considered in philosophically explaining the steps to have peace is through prayer.

His prayer of prayer had engulfed thousands and thousands of people worldwide. It had tried to awaken the people that peace is achievable when there is first and foremost inner harmony and order. He had emphasized well on the idea – ‘peace on earth.’ This was founded in the different circumstances that have been happening and making the world chaotic.

One exciting line in his prayer is this, “Our brain has the power to achieve what it chooses.” This emphasis was centered on the brain as the main tool that every person can effectively use or utilize when trying to achieve peace and harmony. There will be order among people when proper application of the brain power is done.

Brain has the capacity to make people’s dreams and visions a reality. This capacity is innate but sometimes and somehow, it resides beneath the sub-conscious level of every person. Hence, people have to unveil it.

This is where, according to him, prayer will play its role by opening the aisle where the power of the brain is unveiled. When unveiled, progress and growth will come next in line.

Have peace in mind and in heart. This is a message addressed everyone according to him. This is so important in grasping the ultimate success based on the goal. People around the world should be prioritizing this. This is achievable through the power of the brain. And anybody can use this power through prayer. Absence of it will eventually bring people to a catastrophic state.

Ilchi Lee’s Prayer is part of his Brain Education or Training. It is a fact based on his findings and principles that the first effective and efficient step to apply when trying to uncover the power of the brain is to utter a prayer that is focused on it. When he imparted this idea to thousands of people, a lot of them appreciated his efforts and ingenuity.

There are also videos appearing online exemplifying the magnanimity of Lee’s work in the aspect of peace through the brain and through prayer. Until now, there has been a continuing appreciation of so many people for this great counterpart. He is a Philosopher by character and deeds. His contributions are enormous, helping people all around the world in achieving peace, order and harmony.

He is Ilchi Lee, the man behind so many Philosophical books. And it is important to study and learn about Ilchi Lee Prayer of Peace.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Ilchi Lee Prayer of Peace for the World

Prayer is one of those things that people turn to for many different reasons. Some people turn to prayers as a matter of habit but they do not really bother to get anything out of it. Others pray for their own benefits while a few would pray for others. There are even groups of people who pray to their chosen deities based on whatever religious code they follow. To each his own they say but Ilchi Lee disagrees and this is how the Ilchi Lee prayer of peace came to be.

If you have been following the master you will know that he is all about people overcoming their individual weaknesses and forming a core group that will work for the betterment of everyone and the world and that is pretty much what the prayer advocates. Ilchi Lee is not bound by rules of age, race, or religion because those cause division lines to be drawn and that is when people pull away from each other and that is what breeds negativity.

What is the prayer?

As mentioned, the prayer of peace is a message that seeks to unify people of the earth. This prayer isn’t for the Christian God or the Buddhist God but a God that serves all of humanity and looks out for everyone regardless of faith, age, skin colour, and geographical location. It prays to a God who does not serve one religion and yet serves of people of all religions at the same time.

Ilchi Lee first read this prayer of peace back in August 2000 during the UN millennium world peace summit of religious and spiritual leaders. It has the distinction of having been translated into 16 different languages so that more people can take up the cause of building a more united Earth that everyone can live in.

On a New Year’s Day back in 2011, more than 2000 people pledged to read the prayer so they can start New Year off on the right food.  It was also a ringing declaration of peace for all.

It is a mantra?

It is called the prayer of peace but it can serve as a manta for those who desire to become a citizen of Earth and thus rid themselves of ties and labels that create divisiveness. This is a mantra that is perfect for people who do not think of defining themselves in terms of nationality, religion, colour, gender, or age but rather people who see themselves as a citizen of one planet. Once you see yourself as a member of one planet, you will feel greater empathy with other Earth citizens.  llchi Lee prayer of peace is for everyone to consider.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Ilchi Lee’s Books

Author Ilchi Lee started out as an ordinary member of society. However, he was able to successfully climb ranks through his countless contributions as a humanitarian, brain education advocate, and a wellness promoter.  He recently added the title of being a bestselling author to his list of accomplishments.  The collection of Ilchi Lee books are a credit to his reputation.

Ilchi first entered the world of writing in 1985 when he wrote the book, Dahnak, which tackled on the philosophies and ways of saving humanity.  Ilchi Lee wrote this book as a tribute to his enlightenment at Moak Mountain in South Korea.

Secrets of the Brain is the second addition to his written work.  It is also the first in a series of books dedicated to the brain education movement.  Lee wrote seven more books for this collection, which include the Power Brain Kids, Human Technology, Brain Respiration, Healing Society, Twelve Enlightenments for Healing Society, Soul Needs Training to Grow, Beyond the Name and Personality, and Peace in the Brain.

These sets of books were published in either paperback or hard cover.  Some of them also came with an audio cd, which contained Ilchi Lee’s speeches creatively laid with music and humour.  Each of these books discussed different methods of brain development in people coming from different demographics.

stopping there, Ilchi Lee wrote additional books that discussed the effects of further brain empowerment and development in his book entitled In Full Bloom, an educational guide to successful brain aging.  This book encourages older people to be more active in keeping their brain healthy in order for them to utilize its maximum potential, even at an old age.

Lee also wrote the book Brain Wave Vibration, which serves as a holistic guide to physical and mental balance. He also authored Principles of Brain Management, a book that explains how to take control of one’s brain in five easy steps.  The books in Full Bloom and Brain Wave Vibration won silver medals in the 2010 Nautilus Books Award.

Lee’s collection of books about the brain fuelled the brain education movement’s worldwide campaign.  Lee travelled all over the world as a guest speaker discussing each of the important points of all twelve books.  Some of the countries he has visited have given recognition to his work by proclaiming a certain day of the month as “Brain Education Day.”

To date, bestselling author Ilchi Lee has written over thirty books. Seventeen of these Ilchi Lee books are published in the English language. These include the following:

Change:  Realizing Your Greatest Potential
Magnetic Meditation:  5 Minutes to Health, Clarity, and Peace
Life Particle Meditation:  A Practical Guide for Healing and Transformation
The Call of Sedona:  Journey of the Heart
Brain Wave Vibration:  Getting Back into the Rhythm of a Happy, Healthy Life
Earth Citizen:  Recovering Our Humanity
Mago’s Dream:  Meeting with the Soul of the Earth
Healing Chakras:  Awaken Your Body’s Energy System for Complete, Health, Happiness, and Peace
Principles of Brain Management:  A Practical Approach to Making the Most of Your Brain
In Full Bloom:  A Brain Education Guide for Successful Aging
Power Brain Kids
Human Technology:  A Toolkit for Authentic Living
Meridian Exercises for Self-Healing
Danhak Kigong:  Using Your Body to Enlighten Your Mind
Healing Society:  A Prescription for Global Enlightenment
The Twelve Enlightenments for Healing Society:  Vibra Book

Monday, November 11, 2013

Personal Growth Plan: Understanding what it is and How to Make One

There are people who think that personal growth plan is just a big joke and a huge, fat lie. They believe that it’s hard to follow this particular plan, which is why in many cases, it is being broken. Nevertheless, it is nice to know that there are people like Ilchi Lee who are willing to follow their growth plan, because they know that it is the best for them.

First and foremost, what is personal growth plan?

This plan may serve as an efficient tool that could help in examining the key aspects of one’s life, and eventually use these tools in order to pursue change or development. As highly cognizable, our life has various facets, whether you admit it or not. It is also referred to as personal development plan

Why should I make a personal growth plan?

There are actually 2 primary things why people create a Personal Development Plan. They make such kind of plan in order to:

  •   Know what the person really likes to do with his/her life
  •   Determine how he/she can achieve the things that he/she likes to accomplish

It is true that it is possible to attain personal growth without making a plan, since several people are able to do so. However, a personal development plan may increase the chances to hit the path towards a satisfying and fulfilling life. By having a solid personal development plan, you can have:

  • A better comprehension of what you want to draw from life ( the most common answer for this question is money, since the people are driven by their passion to achieve utmost success in life)
  • A concise list of actions that you can do in order to attain your goals, and to avoid feeling as if you’re stuck in one step and you’re not moving forward.
  • Clear views of the dilemmas that people typically face, and eventually know how you can safeguard yourself from these problems.
  • Outstanding growth and development

Some Tips that can be used in creating a Personal Growth Plan

  •  Set a particular goal and make sure to follow it. The first step is pretty easy, since all you have to do is ascertain your ultimate goal in life and follow it until you succeed. Whether you want to achieve a new skill or enhance the way you communicate and establish rapport, be honest to yourself. Also, you have to be committed to the steps, to attain the fruit of your labor. Once you’re done establishing your goal, adhere to it.
  •  Allot time for discovering yourself. Even your parents or the closest people around you don’t know you very well. If there’s one person who knows you best, it would be yourself. However, there are instances wherein we overlook ourselves, especially those who tend to alienate themselves from their subconscious. Thus, allot pertinent time in discovering yourself, of who you really are. 

This can be done by asking some questions like: Who am I really are? What are my goals in life? What do I want to achieve? You need to have an identity, and embrace it. Knowing yourself deep inside needs a higher level of honesty. You can only attain your goals if you know who you really are.

  • Ascertain your bad habits and eliminate them one by one. Bad habits can leave marks on your identity, just like scars. If you don’t eliminate those bad habits as soon as possible, they’ll eat up your personality, and it would be difficult for you to deal with them. 

Bad habits are etched to you, especially if you’re doing them repetitively. To accomplish this task, you need to have great amount of courage, self-control, and determination or through reading Ilchi Lee Books. In order for personal growth plan to succeed, eradicate your bad habits.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Encouraging to have Peace: Ilchi Lee Prayer of Peace

There are a lot of people who are moved by the Ilchi Lee Prayer of Peace. After all, its message is clear and very comprehensible- encouraging to employ peace. Indeed, Ilchi Lee is among those people, who are exerting efforts for the betterment of the common good. Ilchi Lee is using his popularity and power to encourage the promotion of peace and harmony among mankind.

Who is Ilchi Lee?

Ilchi is from a family of educators. He was born in 1950, few months after the Korean War riffled. Despite of his young age, Ilchi Lee was curious about his existence. Since he was not satisfied with the given intellectual answers, he started training his own body, in order to attain sense of peace and centeredness.

During Ilchi’s early 20s, he managed to become a senior master of Tar Kwon Do- a Korean marital art. Later on, Ilchi Lee applied his undergraduate studies in the field of physical education and clinical pathology, in order to manage his physical heal training center successfully.

He chose the name Ilchi 30 years ago, after he underwent a spiritual experience, which was indeed life-changing. IL refers to “one”, while “chi” refers to “finger”. The name Ilchi is simply about the index finger, which is bound to point the Way. According to Ilchi, “The Way” is “Tao”, which talks about the essence of Oneness, or simply, the existence’s natural order.

Ilchi Lee embraced the Korean Taoist tradition- Sun Do, and soon, he had better comprehension of a universal principle: Humanity is correlated to the Cosmos, to the Earth, as well as everything that was created.

He realized that humans are relevant aspects of life, and that creative potential is innate to us. Also, Ilchi realized that the choices we make may contribute to the employment of world abundance and peace. He believed that other people could recover balance and health, since he was able to achieve it.

Ilchi Lee Prayer of Peace

Ilchi Lee is also renowned for his amazing work- Prayer of Peace. He originally wrote and read it at the UN Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders on the 8th of August of the year 2000. More than 10 years after, he used again this particular prayer to reaffirm the humanity’s commitment in employing peace and harmony on Earth.

As highly cognizable, there are a lot of staggering conflicts, fighting, strife, as well as division. Despite of all of these negative happenings, Ilchi Lee strongly believes that the perfect way in order to achieve great cooperation and world peace is for us to learn to value our common humanity.

Day by day, conflicts surge due to ethnic, religious, and racial differences. These differences divide us, and ruin oneness. Ilchi Lee truly believes that peace and harmony can be attained if we are able to surpass these differences, and eventually start to identify the people of this world, and then the members of the different groups.

Ilchi Lee Prayer of Peace is considered as a mantra for the people who want to become “Earth citizens.” This simply means; you do not label yourself according to religion, race, or nationality, rather, as a citizen of this great planet.